BenV's notes

Tag: google

Google helping NVIDIA

by on Oct.28, 2012, under Morons

Yesterday I wrote a post on NVIDIA and how they (mis)handle RGB channels over HDMI on windows by default (and also how to fix it of course). Here’s the post on NVIDIA’s HDMI handling.
Today I figured Let’s check out if I can find my post if I Google for BenV NVIDIA.

Check out the results…. yes, I wrote about NVIDIA earlier, January 29th. However, normally the day after (often even faster, say an hour after) writing writing a post I can find it with Google using the keywords BenV and another word in the title. For example BenV Steam is on the 4th place, posted on the same day. But the post on NVIDIA from that same day IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.
I wonder how much Google are being paid to not show the links that connect NVIDIA to negative things.

Funny how Google can spend resources to conveniently downrank my post (and obviously also other negative ones), but if Mr Smith sues Google because whenever someone types “Smith” Google suggests “pedophile” as second keyword then Google claims it’s all out of their control and that’s just the algorithm.
I hope you get sued again Google, you deserve it.

Google Boom

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Google Chrome OS in Virtualbox

by on Nov.21, 2009, under Fun, Software

So with all the hype around google’s upcoming Chrome OS, I was getting curious what it was all about.
Linux based web stuff, open source… yeah, that’s all cute, but just words. So today the option arrived to see what we’re dealing with. These clowns have a download page where you can download a virtual machine image to check out a snapshot of Chrome OS. (continue reading…)

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