BenV's notes

Archive for February, 2012

Windows 7 hiberfil.sys

by on Feb.25, 2012, under Software

My windows partition was low on free disk space so I looked around for what game to remove.
Until I noticed C:\hiberfil.sys taking a whopping 12 GIGABYTES of disk space.
For a feature that I never use. (I either play games on windows or don’t run it at all, sleep mode etc was already disabled).
Seems like turning off the hiberfil.sys takes more effort than in XP (where it was a checkbox hidden in the power management options).

To disable it:
1. Start a command prompt as administrator
2. powercfg -H off

Voila, diskspace.

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Slackware64 and Digikam

by on Feb.22, 2012, under Software

Last week we bought a new toy — a Canon EOS 600D (including a lens with about the same pricetag). So far I’m happy with it, it’s nice to play with a ‘real’ camera for a change. (our previous one is a simple Samsung TL205. Apples and oranges.) (continue reading…)

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World of Warcraft and wine64 — update!

by on Feb.22, 2012, under Software

Earlier I reported on my first World of Warcraft under 64 bits wine experience. It somewhat worked but couldn’t play the game because it got stuck on the loading screen.
Just now I decided to give it another shot and pulled the latest wine from git. Currently we’re on wine version 1.4-rc4. Before building that I upgraded my NVIDIA driver to their latest as well, 295.20.

After compiling and installing the new wine release candidate the results are in:

World of Warcraft on 64 bits Wine (1.4rc4)

World of Warcraft on 64 bits Wine (1.4rc4)

So it seems like the guys working on Wine did some good work!
Loading the initial screen is still a bit slower than the 32 bit version, but apart from the it seems good. Haven’t tried any dungeons yet, so I have no reports on ingame performance, but I might complain on that later if it sucks 🙂
If not I have another reason to move my old 32 bits slackware partition to the shredder.

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IPSec-Tools and Slackware64

by on Feb.16, 2012, under Software

Today I wanted ipsec-tools on my Slackware64 (v13.37) domU.
Sounds simple: figure out where they host the stuff, download, configure ; make ; package, install. Right?
*BZZZZZ* WRONG! (continue reading…)

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Cisco webmaster skills

by on Feb.15, 2012, under Fun, Morons

Here’s a funny for today:
For some reason I needed an original firmware for a Pislink E2000, so I went to as a first guess.
After (automagically) being redirected about 2398472389347 times (first to as if there’s a linksysbymicrosoft as well, then to with a bunch of geolocation cookies, THEN because they’re really retarded a redirect to … seriously) I finally got a xhtml document. Well, they claim it’s xhtml, because the W3C Validator sure as hell doesn’t think so. (continue reading…)

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DRBD 8.4.1 compiling the kernel module

by on Feb.09, 2012, under Software

In an attempt to try out the latest DRBD version (8.4.1 atm) on a new Xen installation, I ran into some issues.
Initially I built the kernel with the included DRBD module, but I soon realized that this version was older than I wanted to play with (the included version was 8.3.11), so I grabbed the source and tried to build it myself. (continue reading…)

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World of Warcraft’s new 64 client under Wine64

by on Feb.03, 2012, under Software

With the release of patch 4.3.2 the still biggest MMORPG they finally decided to go the 64 bit route.
Through the forums a 64 bit client can be downloaded and placed next to the normal one, with a bunch of warnings and stuff that doesn’t yet work obviously. Yay. (continue reading…)

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Piratebay blocked by XS4All and Ziggo

by on Feb.01, 2012, under Morons

So those assholes from BREIN finally managed to get a somewhat real block through the legal system in the Netherlands.
My home ISP XS4All simply has to block them because of a court order, and not just the DNS entries as usual, but actual IP addresses this time. A traceroute to simply dies at the second hop.
Obviously this is about as effective as putting up a roadblock on only half the road, you can simply drive your browser to a ton of alternatives to still get the piratebay content. (continue reading…)

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