BenV's notes

Tag: wow

World of Warcraft patch 4.3.3 and wine64

by on Mar.04, 2012, under Software

Seems like they released a new patch for World of Warcraft, increasing the version to 4.3.3 build 15354.
Obviously this broke on my wine64 installation of the game:
* Start wine64 Wow-64.exe
* Login
* “Patch required” -> OK
* “Downloading Update” -> OK

Patch 4.3.3 under wine64

Patch 4.3.3 under wine64

(continue reading…)

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World of Warcraft’s new 64 client under Wine64

by on Feb.03, 2012, under Software

With the release of patch 4.3.2 the still biggest MMORPG they finally decided to go the 64 bit route.
Through the forums a 64 bit client can be downloaded and placed next to the normal one, with a bunch of warnings and stuff that doesn’t yet work obviously. Yay. (continue reading…)

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