BenV's notes

WordPress hits 2.9 with another failed auto-upgrade.

by on Dec.21, 2009, under Software

Here we go again, wordpress has an update to version 2.9 this time.

New features include “automatic database optimization support”, which you can enable by putting define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); in your wp-config.php file.
The rest you’ll run into yourself, it’s a ton of new stuff and fixes but some cool stuff like a built-in image editor and easier embedding of your favorite youtube junk.

Needless to say the automatic upgrade failed AGAIN for me:

Downloading update from

Download failed.: Operation timed out after 60 seconds with 1560944 bytes received

Installation Failed

Fortunately, my previous patch still works. Get it here if you want.

After patching that single line the automagic upgrade ended with: WordPress upgraded successfully. Jeeeej.
However, they still left the timeout at 60 seconds in the newer version 🙁

# grep wp_remote_get wp-admin/includes/file.php
$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 60));

Failers. They deserve a 56k6 modem for their servers so they can find out about these issues themselves 😉


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