BenV's notes

WordPress bumps

by on Jul.27, 2009, under Software

I see I found another product that doesn’t do what I want 😉

Obviously since I use a non default browser (Opera, usually the latest beta/alpha/snapshot of the day) the themes are slightly weird.

Either that or the authors are blind, but heck, I can live with that.

So I create a post, “guess” where to fill out the subject etc (tab works wonders)  and fill out some tags.

And the fucking product creates 1 huge tag called “apache2 htaccess rewrite”. RAAH..  Of course I could learn to read and simply use comma’s … 😉

However, fixing this mess is less trivial… guess I’ll simply recreate them.

Other than that, it seems like it’s pretty decent software 🙂

Even the plugins have an auto-install, good, good. ….

KANKER, wat nou weer… oh, seems like it needs write permissions on the -entire- vhost dir. Fine, be like that.

(I figured the plugins dir would be enough)… of course a (s)ftp  fallback is nice, but I prefer the autoinstall 🙂

After a little chown it works.

Another major malfunction in this piece of garbage: somehow they expect me to be able to read and edit PHP in order to adjust my themes.

What the fuck guys, get the fuck out of here with that stupid welcome box. Yeah sure I know php, but I’m sure others don’t.  Either make it easy for your users with AJAX-y widgets etc, or hand them a php editor… (but fine, I removed it)

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