BenV's notes

Weird DNS log entries

by on Jul.29, 2009, under Boring

So I was messing around with some new domain registrations, and just because I’m curious I tailed my tinydns logfile.
…. WHAT THE !@(#*!#%(* is THAT?!…. I think, as my eye catches a glimp of this:

[Wed Jul 29 16:20:46 2009] 213.73.***.** port:64500 id:383b * PTR
[Wed Jul 29 16:20:46 2009] 213.132.***.*** port:11328 id:300b * PTR
[Wed Jul 29 16:20:46 2009] 213.132.***.*** port:45174 id:0255 * PTR
[Wed Jul 29 16:20:46 2009] 213.132.***.*** port:48779 id:9e01 * PTR

Now, these things immediately reminded me of the ZeroConf/Bonjour/Avahi garbage. However: first of all, I don’t run that on my machine since it’s a relatively new install that doesn’t have it yet.
Second, those IPs…. they’re not mine. Whois tells me it’s Quicknet/multikabel/ziggo… which some of our friends and relatives have.
That’s the weird part here, I can’t stop wondering why they’re requesting my domain while they’re back at home, so they should have a new dhcp entry and ditched their “search” line in resolv.conf. (ignoring windows as an option for now).

Google tells me it’s indeed Bonjour DNS based “service discovery” related, great, looks interesting, but I’m not in the mood to mess with DNS now… at least not until I have a machine that can actually use it. I wonder who it was though…. 🙂

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