BenV's notes

Update day!

by on Aug.04, 2009, under Morons, Software

It seems to be update day today….

I felt like updating my shit today. Somehow I enjoy updates so I do it whenever I see interesting stuff.
So glancing through the slackware changelog I noticed a new Apache2 version (2.2.12 with a bunch of security updates). Meh, not my favorite piece of garbage to upgrade, but local upgrades were easy enough and also the remote (slackware 11, custom builds) ones went without hickups.

Then there was a new version of Irssi 0.8.14. Fine, updated that too. Good to see it didn’t break my scripts 🙂

Meanwhile I checked out if the apache upgrade broke my notes, but it didn’t. While on the notes page I decided to write this little snippet,
and found out that also WordPress had a new release – 2.8.3. More security stuff.
And the codecolorer plugin that I use for the code snippets also had an update.
Updating wordpress was easy enough btw, just go to admin – tools – upgrade and hit the upgrade automatically button. I like features like that in a product.
Note that this failed at least two times because of a 60 second timeout on the download. Guess they need to invest in faster servers 😉
“Download failed.: Operation timed out after 60 seconds with 1226456 bytes received”…. too bad they don’t give me other options when that happens.
And while I’m moaning about their ‘automagic upgrade’, how about some ajax progress indicators etc guys? 😉
In case you also run into the timeout issue:
Don’t bother downloading the file yourself and putting it in the /your/wordpress/path/wp-content/ dir. Hitting the button over and over will
only swamp their servers even more and won’t make it any better either.
I tried increasing the php timeout on the sockets, but that didn’t seem to help. Pity guys, real shame… in fact, it angers me. *grumble*morons*grumble*
You might as well go for the manual upgrade.

At some point I got pissed enough to grep and read through the source for half an hour (AAARGH MY EYES) and distill this patch:
Edit wp-admin/includes/file.php with your favorite editor and change line 448 so it has a more reasonable timeout, I put it to 300:

$response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 300));

Now it finally worked 🙂

While on the update tour I also updated my MPD to version 0.15.1, although I’m running the git
version of course, but that went fine (through of course).

Well, that’s enough updates for today. Time for some coding on slackbuild I think 🙂

:, , ,

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