BenV's notes


(n)Curses magic: are you a magician?

by on Aug.07, 2009, under Morons, Software

Hej readers,

I decided to work on making a bit more acceptable in terms of usability and looks. The reason for this is that the dialog program doesn’t exactly do what I want.
That is, it works…. but that’s pretty much all I can say about it. It doesn’t allow me to make a comined checkbox/menu thing that I want for my configure options part. Next to that it’s tedious to fork and parse its output all the time, and let’s not even get started about looks and input issues.
So I figured: hmm, dialog is made in ncurses, perl has a Curses lib…. let’s play! (continue reading…)

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Update day!

by on Aug.04, 2009, under Morons, Software

It seems to be update day today….

I felt like updating my shit today. Somehow I enjoy updates so I do it whenever I see interesting stuff.
So glancing through the slackware changelog I noticed a new Apache2 version (2.2.12 with a bunch of security updates). Meh, not my favorite piece of garbage to upgrade, but local upgrades were easy enough and also the remote (slackware 11, custom builds) ones went without hickups. (continue reading…)

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by on Jul.27, 2009, under, Software

Just wrote a page about my latest tool –

Go view it if you run slackware, or get bent if you run anything else.

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