BenV's notes

Tag: fail2ban

Check_MK plugin: fail2ban

by on Nov.03, 2014, under Check MK

This one has been on my todo list for a while, so today I took a stab at it: a fail2ban plugin for Check_MK.
My previous plugin (LMSensors plugin for Check_MK) still gets quite a few hits, so I figured you guys might like this one as well.

Why? Pretty graphs of course 😉
Another reason might be that you want to keep an eye on how many ssh bots etc fail2ban keeps out. (continue reading…)

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Qmail + Spamdyke and fail2ban

by on Nov.03, 2009, under Morons, Software

Yesterday evening I was curiously looking at some tcpdump traffic that went through our dom0 of Xenbro. There seemed to be a ton of weird DNS requests. And with weird I mean spamlike domains, like After wondering for a bit I realized they were coming from our service domU that runs mail for the domain. (continue reading…)

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