BenV's notes

Tag: spamdyke

Qmail + Spamdyke and validrcpto

by on Sep.16, 2011, under Software

Today I decided it was time to get rid of both backscatter and the useless spamfiltering of mail that will bounce anyway.
Obviously I’m not running a vanilla qmail, but a patched version (by John M. Simpson) of Qmail that adds lovely antispam features such as checks for reverse dns records, SPF records, fixes a ton of annoyances and generally makes Qmail a lot nicer.
On top of that I run Spamdyke to apply graylisting for some domains, add blacklists/whitelists and do some more spam checking. (continue reading…)

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Qmail + Spamdyke and fail2ban

by on Nov.03, 2009, under Morons, Software

Yesterday evening I was curiously looking at some tcpdump traffic that went through our dom0 of Xenbro. There seemed to be a ton of weird DNS requests. And with weird I mean spamlike domains, like After wondering for a bit I realized they were coming from our service domU that runs mail for the domain. (continue reading…)

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