BenV's notes

Tag: adobe

Splitting up a PDF file

by on Sep.30, 2010, under Boring

If you have colleagues like mine you’ll eventually find an email in your inbox that’s about 20MB because of some PDF file attached to it. Apparently it’s some manual of a device that we work on, but I only care about 5 pages out of the 400-ish pages in the pdf. (continue reading…)

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The Adobe Cancer

by on Mar.09, 2010, under Morons, Software

They’ve managed to piss me off once more.
I had to do a windows reinstall (XP of course) for some idiots that fubar-ed their machine, so after the usual install, 5 million windows updates, service packs, reboots and firefox install I figured I should probably install flash for them.
How hard can it be to install Adobe Flash? (continue reading…)

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