BenV's notes

(n)Curses magic part 2: magic!

by on Aug.08, 2009, under Boring, Fun, Software

So while messing around with some perl/curses stuff I got fancy with colors and soon found out about the limited support of colors in terminals and therefore also Curses.
Anyway, I made this little “fractal plasma” thingy with it, see if you can get it running 😉
It’s not really a fractal plasma, so don’t get technical on that, but it describes it best I think.

To get it running, open up your favorite terminal that supports 256 colors and allows palette changing – I found both xterm and urxvt to work.
Make sure your TERM variable is set to something that allows this, for instance in urxvt:

$ export TERM=rxvt-256color
$ ./

or this worked for me with xterm:

$ export TERM=xterm-256color
$ ./

Something like this is the result:

[Download not found]


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