BenV's notes

Installing rrdtool 1.3/1.4 on Slackware

by on Aug.21, 2009, under Software

This keeps bugging me.
Configure fails to build rrdtool because xrender is referenced in the cairo.pc pkg-config file.
The error looks like this:

configure: WARNING:
* I could not find a working copy of pangocairo. Check config.log for hints on why
this is the case. Maybe you need to set LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS appropriately
so that compiler and the linker can find libpangocairo-1.0 and its header files. If
you have not installed pangocairo, you can get it either from its original home on

You can find also find an archive copy on

The last tested version of pangocairo is 1.17.

LIBS=-lm -lglib-2.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0
CPPFLAGS= -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include

configure: error: Please fix the library issues listed above and try again.

However, it doesn’t need it at all. The doc/rrdbuild.txt describes this problem for Opensolaris, but it goes for Slackware as well.


root@janeman# perl -i~ -p -e 's/(Requires.*?)\s*xrender.*/$1/' /usr/lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc

Now it -will- run through configure. Thanks. (yeah yeah, it’s hidden in the docs somewhere).


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