BenV's notes

Another round of Adobe Cancer

by on Feb.24, 2011, under Morons, Software

Needless to say Adobe had an update today.
Since we’re running a windows 2008 server with users that don’t have administrator rights, Adobe is very annoying to start with.

<Adobe>”Hey I have an update! Oh, I can’t install it because you need administrator rights, but I’ll keep bugging you with it anyway, MWHOAHAHHAHA”

So if that isn’t enough already (and they have an update about every week … if not more often), the piece of cancer can’t even update. Even when running the updater as administrator:

Adobe Cancer Update

Mysterious fail

Of course it would be terrible to state what the problem is, so they only give you “Error: 1403” to work with.
Thanks Adobe, really useful. It’s unfortunate that some morons here insist on needing it (Because some idiot customers send us PDF files with chinese fonts and other rubbish that isn’t handled well in better pdf readers).


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