BenV's notes

Tag: wvdial

Slackware and dial-up through a mobile phone

by on Sep.24, 2009, under Software

This weekend we’ll be going to some abandoned part of the country because we’re “celebrating” the 50th birthday of Lotjuh’s mom. (celebrating the fact that someone is a year closer to death…. weird rituals people engage in…). Anyway, since it’s in the middle of nowhere (“Limburg”, might as well be germany or belgium as far as I’m concerned) and the information page of the abandoned place we’re staying at didn’t hint anything about internet, I’m assuming the worst. Which means no wireless, no wired, only mobile phones. (and singing people *sigh*).
However, there is still hope to play Billy vs Snakeman this weekend.

Through a mobile phone! (continue reading…)

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