BenV's notes

Tag: udev

Slackware64-current and udev 1.82

by on Jul.24, 2012, under Software

Some days after tinkering for a little bit you come to the realization that it might be better to stop doing anything with devices and just wait for the day to pass, because everything you touch breaks in the most spectacular ways. Of course this never stopped me from breaking even more, but I’m stupid like that.
Today is a day like that it seems. First our ADSL line at home received an upgrade to FTTH (aka a fiber connection), boosting our internet speed from a lousy 8Mbit down to 50Mbit down, and from less than 1Mbit upstream to 50Mbit upstream. (continue reading…)

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Missing /dev/sd* in slackware 13

by on Jul.11, 2010, under Software

I’ve bashed my head into this problem at least three times now, so after finally running to google …. it made me search more than I liked.

The problem descriptions:
* Your system boots fine (maybe because it’s running on software raid), but your /dev/sd* files are gone.
* Your system doesn’t boot anymore, complaining about not finding your boot device when booting your custom kernel, but the stock kernel does work.
* Mounting partitions doesn’t work anymore, saying stuff like mount: special device /dev/sda does not exist

* Your custom kernel has CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED enabled. To find out:

benv@uil$ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED

Since udev version 151 (or something close to that) this will sparsely populate /dev. Yay.

If you don’t believe it, check out /usr/share/doc/udev-*/README:

- Udev will not work with the CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED* option.

Another problem solved.

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Pulseaudio, slackware and udev

by on Sep.11, 2009, under Software

Yesterday I found a release notice in the pulseaudio mailinglist announcing version 0.9.16.
Today, I found another release note in the mailinglist that announced pulseaudio version 0.9.17. Gee, another fuckup? (but that’s part of the release process I guess ;))

Anyway, I decided to upgrade my 0.9.15 installation since it still glitches every now and then. (continue reading…)

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