BenV's notes

Tag: plugins

Check_MK plugin: qmail

by on Jun.08, 2011, under Software

Just a tiny update for my Check_MK qmail package.
It still checks the qmail queue size 🙂
New in this version is the added Perf-O-Meter. Shiny shiny!

Check_MK Qmail plugin v1.1

Check_MK Qmail Perf-O-Meter

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MySQL 5.0 -> 5.1 on Slackware current

by on Oct.07, 2009, under Software

Slackware recently upgraded the MySQL version from 5.0 to 5.1, from the Changelog:

Sun Oct 4 00:17:50 CDT 2009
ap/mysql-5.1.39-x86_64-1.txz: Upgraded.
This bumps the version of the shared libraries to .so.16.0.0.

Yeah, that’s all great, but for me this broke on several of my machines. (continue reading…)

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