BenV's notes

Tag: plugin

Check_MK plugin: MTR for pretty ping graphs

by on Dec.31, 2015, under Check MK

Another day, another Check_MK plugin!
This one is inspired by smokeping, but different because it doesn’t need smokeping. It does need the tool formerly known as Matt’s TraceRoute, aka mtr. It’s installed on all my machines by default and easily available in all distro’s that are worthy. Even pokemon OS has it 😉

The reason I wanted to build this plugin was first of all because of pretty graphs (of course!). The second reason was that my girlfriend had some network issues to figure out, but only ping and DNS resolve times don’t paint a complete picture. This plugin makes some graphs that hopefully fill that void a bit 🙂

Now that you’ve skipped the last 2 paragraphs, here are some example graphs that I made while testing the plugin:

Check_MK MTR plugin's perf-o-meter

Check_MK MTR plugin’s perf-o-meter

This is the plugin status per host on the service overview page of Check_MK. As you can see I configured multiple hosts. (continue reading…)

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