Archive for March, 2011
Xen, DRBD and live migration
by BenV on Mar.10, 2011, under Software
Once again I have some new hardware that’s been labeled “Xen Server”.
This time I want to set it up in a way that brings some redudancy so we can actually have 1 server fail and still have our hosts up and running.
(or at least back up in a few minutes instead of several hours).
To achieve this goal I will install the latest version of Xen (which seems to be 4.01) and use DRBD with LVM for storage. (continue reading…)
How to segfault perl
by BenV on Mar.06, 2011, under Fun
Yesterday when I was messing around with our homebrew IRC bot (written from scratch in perl) it somehow managed to segfault.
Which surprised me, it doesn’t happen very often that I see perl segfault.
It was caused by the fairly new module that handles RSS feeds. Running it through gdb quickly pointed a finger at XML::LibXML, which probably surprises nobody 😉
(at least I suspected the moment it crashed)
It looked like LibXML tried to free up some resource that didn’t exist anymore.
Today I wrote a little test script to figure out the exact cause. Apparently, using Storable to store things that LibXML returned is a recipe for great fun 🙂
Actually, storing it works pretty good. It works so damn good that LibXML actually believes that the objects loaded through Storable are still valid.
First store a piece of XML::LibXML to disk:
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw/lock_nstore/;
use XML::LibXML;
die "Usage: $0 file.storable" unless(scalar(@ARGV));
my $rssfeed = '
my $data = {};
my $xmlp = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xml = $xmlp->parse_string($rssfeed);
$data->{'xml'} = $xml->find('/rss/channel/title/text()');
my $s = lock_nstore($data, $ARGV[0]);
print "Stored.\n";
use Storable qw/retrieve/;
use XML::LibXML;
die "Usage: $0 file.storable" unless(scalar(@ARGV));
my $s = retrieve($ARGV[0]);
my $link = $s->{'xml'};
print "Segfault in progress! $link\n";
The execution looks like this:
benv@janeman:~:0>./ asd
benv@janeman:~:0>./ asd
Segmentation fault (core dumped)