BenV's notes

Archive for August, 2010

KDM/KDE on Slackware64 13.1

by on Aug.29, 2010, under Software

Actually, it’s slackware64-current, but it’s pretty much the same for today’s issue.

Don’t ask me why, but for some reason my girlfriend wanted to start KDM/KDE.
(probably because enlightenment now completely abandoned their piece of garbage login manager ‘entranced’).
So she ran a ton of updates – “slackpkg update ; slackpkg upgrade-all” and rebooted.
KDM came up fine. Then she tried to login and was greeted by:

Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unable to open session: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127

After clicking this away KDE started to load but stopped shortly after that and KDM was greeting her again. (continue reading…)

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Blast! It’s Boost! (Slackware64 and Deluge / libtorrent-rasterbar)

by on Aug.29, 2010, under Software

Obviously I didn’t mention this issue enough yet since google didn’t return my blog for this issue as well as I’d like.

Today’s task with a problem: upgrading to Deluge 1.3.0-rc2 from rc1. Just for reference, I ran into this problem before. Since we’re upgrading Deluge, I’m upgrading the torrent library first. The latest version seems to be libtorrent-rasterbar version 0.15.2.
The problem:

benv@machine:~/libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.2$ ./configure --prefix=/usr # And some more options, but nothing with boost
# Some configure junk and then:

Checking for boost libraries:
checking for boostlib >= 1.36... yes
checking whether the Boost::System library is available... yes
configure: error: Boost.System library not found. Try using --with-boost-system=lib

… don’t you just hate it when your computer hints you to try something trivial? (continue reading…)

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